Q - How do I maintain my API 2000 electric machine?
A – Use 3-ONE-oil or P.B. Blaster. These can be found @ most Wal marts in the automotive dept. DO NOT USE WD 40 as it has a high alcohol content.
Q- How many sq. ft. does the API 2000 electric & battery machines cover ?
A- 800-1000 electric- 400-500 battery
Q- How long do the quart bottles of fragrance usually last ?
A- 1 quart bottle should last 4-5 months. This does depend on the individuals personal preference on usage. The more hot & humid the weather is, the faster the oil will evaporate, The opposite is true in the cooler months.
Q- How does my API 2000 electric & battery operate ?
A- Our air freshener machines operate by evaporation. THEY DO NOT spray out or use a timing device. The electric machine simply plugs into your 110 & constantly runs unless it is unplugged. The battery unit is 1.75 volt & operates off a D cell battery.